Mastermind Groups

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High Performance Leadership Mastermind Groups

BackgroundBusiness, as in life, revolves around the relationships we cultivate. This is the thrust behind the power of a Master Mind group. This group of colleagues, friends and confidantes force us to stretch beyond our comfort zone, force us to work harder, think larger, support us when we feel like quitting, and hold us accountable in ways that inspire us to achieve our goals.

When we gather together with others to throw around ideas, discuss and debate, and receive both criticism and inspiration, we grow and develop as men and foster new ideas while refining our old ones.


What is a Mastermind Group?

According to Napoleon Hill, Mastermind is “a mind that is developed through the harmonious co-operation of two or more people who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task.” Hill believes “Each person in the group becomes vested with the power to contact with and gather knowledge through the ‘subconscious’ minds of all the other members of the group.

184792887This power becomes immediately noticeable, evidencing itself in the form of a more vivid imagination and the consciousness of what appears to be a sixth sense. It is through this sixth sense that new ideas will “flash” into the mind.”

The Mastermind Group will meet for the purpose of discussing High Performance Leadership. From the group, ideas concerning leadership will come pouring into the minds of each member. The minds of the ‘Mastermind’ Group become as magnets, attracting ideas and thought stimuli allowing each member to think bigger and stretch beyond existing boundaries.

Benefits of Joining the Master Mind Group:

  • Establishes the framework to surround yourself with professionals that hold you accountable to success personally, as a team member and as an organizational leader.
  • Your Mastermind Group will have professionals with similar experience levels, ambition, and desire for achievement with no competitors.
  • The Mastermind Group will adhere to best practices including organized meeting times and agenda, open communication, group collaboration built on trust and honesty as well as having fun.
  • Each Mastermind Groups allows members to extend his or her network exponentially.
  • Each Mastermind session engages in new learning. New content will be introduced during each session. By interacting and sharing your challenges on the topic, it’s almost certain that someone in your group will have a solution for you and you may also be able to offer a solution, connection or tactic to help someone else.
  • The Mastermind Groups engage in cross-promotion. As a member you will find ways to help each other promote to your respective networks.
  • Groups think bigger together. Being in a Mastermind Group will truly give you a masterful mind! You will think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things.